by Krista Bugden | Feb 1, 2017 | 90 Days In A Ford Focus, Lifestyle Design
I have never had trouble crossing the border before. I was under the naive impression that with a wave of the Canadian passport, we would be ushered through. No problem. As one of the border guards bluntly put, “Just because you’re Canadian citizens, doesn’t mean we...
by Krista Bugden | Jan 30, 2017 | 90 Days In A Ford Focus, Lifestyle Design, Uncategorized
Chris was determined to leave January 20th, no matter what my plan was. For me, it was more of an idea at the time. I had done some travelling and desperately wanted to travel more. I wanted to experience and see new things. I had a full-time job as a Rehab Assistant...
by Krista Bugden | Jan 29, 2017 | 90 Days In A Ford Focus, Lifestyle Design
Two people. Ninety days. One tiny yellow two door Ford Focus Hatchback. We are nuts. Has reality even set in? Are we really living in a car for the next three months? It sounds like something I would read about, something I would watch on TV. Something I would look...